Moving houses is a stressful time and the last thing you want to do is worry about losing mail. During such a time of change in your life, it is natural to be a little anxious. At Bargara Removals, we know how you must be feeling, which is why we have put together a list of things to consider when it comes to updating your address so you can focus on what really matters.
You can update all your Medicare details with ease online at their website. You can do this by signing into your MyGov application and selecting the ‘update details’ section.
Contact Australian Post to request a change of address or go into your local branch. Additionally, if you have already moved and still have mail sent to an old address, you can request a redirection to your new address. You can update these details here.
You can update your details online for Centrelink. This can be done by signing into the MyGov application and selecting the ‘Centrelink’ section there.
This can be done online or through a quick phone call to your service provider. Make a list of all your providers and then hit them all in one swing.
For your licence you can update any information online. Most other forms of ID can usually be easily updated online.
Updating your employer about a change of address is important for your salary payments and tax purposes. Drop your employer an email and they will let you know the next steps.
Your bank needs to know your correct address to send statements and other important correspondence to. You can usually do this online or visit your local bank branch to update your address details as well.
It’s important to ensure your address is up to date with regards your vehicle registration in case anything should happen to your car or while driving. This can be done by updating your details online through the Gov website. Select the state you are in and go from there.
These can be updated depending on your state. If you go over to their main website there will be an online section to update your details in relation to Toll Tags there.
Don’t risk complications with your retirement savings, update your address for superannuation purposes. This can be updated by logging into your profile on the gov website and updating your details.
Your insurance policies may become void if you don’t provide accurate address details. How you update your details with your insurance company will depend on the provider. You can call them up, go see them in person or update your details online.
You can change your address details with the Tax Office online at the main government tax website. Sign in to your profile and edit the details from there.
Don’t miss out on being able to vote just because you moved house! Update your address with the Electoral Commission.
This is essential to ensure you continue to receive your services as normal. It can usually be done online via the provider website, but if you need to alter your contract you may have to telephone to speak to an advisor.
Other things you should think about:
You can update your details online, over the phone or in person at your institution.
If you are part of a local library, you can update your details in many ways. You can call them up, see them in person or make changes online via their website.
This is managed by your state so can be changed by visiting their website and finding the ‘Pet Registry’ section. The process of updating your address will be located there. If you have your pet’s details registered with a local vet, make sure they are also informed.
If you have children, you will want to make sure you update your new address at their place of day care. The same goes for using babysitting services with another house or school. If something were to go wrong, the most up to date contact information will be needed!
If you’re staying in the same area, then updating your doctor and dentist via phone or in person will ensure you don’t miss any check ups. However, if you need to switch surgeries you will need to let them know as soon as possible.
You can change your details at the front desk at your local gym. Some larger gyms have client logins to their websites which allow for details to be updated online, or simply give them a call. If you’re moving out of the area, you may not have to pay cancellation fees.
To ensure you are still able to benefit from all the loyalty programs you follow, contact each one to change your new address. These programs can include flybuys and other reward programs. One handy tip is to go through your wallet and look at the cards you have. This might remind you of programs you signed up for years ago.
This will vary between people, but these can easily be updated online or with a phone call. For example, LOOT BOX or other mailed subscriptions.
With this list, you will be able to complete your move with one less thing to worry about. And with us at Bargara Removals here to help you with the process, it will be smooth sailing right through! Contact us at to start your dream move today.